Menorca 360º lets you discover the natural beauty, history and culture of a Mediterranean paradise
Menorca is an island made to suit the man. Viewed on the map, it can simply look like a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean. However, this perception changes when viewed up close: its small territory hides countless surprises, contrasts and hidden spots.
In Menorca we can find a stunning geological, flora and fauna diversity. Most of the island’s land is natural or rural landscape, and the main part of its 200 kilometers of coastline are pristine.


The unique historical, artistic and cultural wealth, the human signs of the environmental diversity of the island, completes the island as a whole, which has earned the recognition of Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.
The relation established between man and nature has been a constant feature in the history of an island with such a small territory, civilized but well preserved at the same time. A Biosphere Reserve is a model of sustainable development that preserves the harmony between the environment and the socioeconomic development, and the historical, artistic and cultural heritage.

The NORTH is more diverse, consists of a mixture of ancient materials. The northern coast is very rugged and steep, and the landscape consists of hills and valleys, streams and wetlands. The materials which is formed by cause a predominance of dark colors. The northern beaches are varied, with sands of different colors and thickness, sometimes picturesque pebble beaches or beaches with large rounded stones.

The SOUTH consists of limestone and sandstone. It is lighter in color, and is more flat and homogeneous than the north. However, the southern half of the island is crisscrossed by numerous deep ravines that shape its relief. Unlike the north, the south coast is in general very straight and has plenty of fine, white sandy beaches, which are surrounded by pines, like Cala Mitjana (in the picture).

Visitors who only know Menorca as the dry, dusty ocher summer island are surprised when they see the lush greenery that covers Menorca the rest of the year. The island shows its beauty especially during autumn, winter and especially in spring spring, when the colors and odors of the flowers explode over the mantle of green grass.

The climate is typically Mediterranean: temperate, with hot, dry summers and rainy winters with mild temperatures. The climate oscillation results in a huge contrast between the different seasons and big transformations in the landscape. Every season offers a new face of the island, all of them with their own distinct personality.

Menorca is a real open-air museum. The footprints left by our ancient inhabitants still continue living in the prehistoric settlements of the island, with constructions formed by large stones, which are among the most unique in the world.
However, Menorca also has plenty of sites, monuments and ethnological material from all eras. The Camí de Cavalls itself is an important part of the historical heritage of Menorca, and since it is a living heritage, perhaps it is more alive today than ever before.
Menorca’s millenary Talayotic legacy was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2023.